Because lists are easy: our favourites!
Books (non-fiction)
We love to learn, to be inspired by ideas, visions and insights. Therefore we will give you a few of the books we highly recommend in the non-fiction category. In no way this is meant to be an absolute list, but rather a sneak preview into what we like. We’ll try to keep this updated regularly, but also to publish more extensive reviews on each book. So, more to come!
Books (management)
We’re not fans of management books. Really not. Most of them use way too many words to describe common truths with half-true anecdotes. But some books have it all. This selection brings together such books. Some written as management books, others not at all, but they contain the wisdom needed to grow as an entrepreneur. Always with a focus on our three basic ingredients: People, Process & Culture.
Books (fiction)
If our founder Bert ever have to spend time alone, wherever in the world and in whatever situation, these are the books he’ll read and read again to envelop himself with the warmth of their magnificent writing. Do not hesitate for a second: read these books now.
Podcasts (non-fiction)
Podcasts are like small boxes of chocolates. They allow us to get an in-depth taste of a subject without having to read all about it, or even before publication. True behind-the-screens, giving us the opportunity to meet with authors, researchers and witnesses.
oester | a laboratory for performative arts
AuwerA is the first supporter of oester, a laboratory for performative arts of stage director Aïda Gabriëls.
Bert Van der Auwera, managing partner of AuwerA, is chairman of oester’s board of directors.
oester is artist-in-residence at Ancienne Belgique (Brussels), Muziektheater Transparant (Antwerp), Motel Mozaïque (Rotterdam), KMSK (Antwerp) & Needcompany; and associated artist at Music Theatre NOW.
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